My Health and Care Record (MHCR)

My Health and Care Record (MHCR) is a secure online portal run by Patients Know Best which is used to store your medical and care information in one place. 

The system meets the same high security standards as for all NHS information and allows you to access your mental and physical health records at any time.

Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust is implementing My Health and Care Record across our services. It is currently available in our Adult Service, SOAMHS (Specialist Older Adult Mental Health Services) and for 16-18 year olds in our CAMHS (Children and Young People's Services).

Log on or register here:

Need help signing in or registering? Speak to your care team or email 

Need access to your medical records? 

The MHCR portal provides access to the most commonly requested information.  You can make a request for more information we may hold about you in one of the following ways:

You can find out how we manage personal information via our Privacy Notice.

My Health and Care Record enables you to access your mental and physical healthcare records in one place, whenever you need them, via a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Importantly, it also allows you to choose and control who you would like to share your record with. This could include another NHS Trust, a care worker or family or friend involved in your care. Through sharing your health and care information, you can ensure that everyone looking after you understands the type of care and support you need and want.

You can access a range of documents from Sussex Partnership. This includes your: 

  • My Care and Safety Plan
  • Appointment letters
  • Diary appointments

Outcome measures and Questionnaires:

Occasionally, you will be asked to complete outcome measures and questionnaires sent to you by Sussex Partnership. 

You will receive an email notification from Sussex Partnership when they are sent, please complete and submit them via the platform

What does Sussex Partnership use outcome measures for?

Outcome measures are important to help us deliver patient centred care, guiding us to provide effective treatment and develop high-quality services.


In the library you will find a range of useful information, such as information about Sussex Partnership, 'How to seek help in a crisis' and My Health and Care Record user guides. You can also easily add your own links to a library. 

Adding Information

You can add information to your account on the portal, for example through connecting wearable devices such as a smart watch. Or entering information into the journal function, which was co-produced by Experts by Experience, for you to record your own information.

However, please note: Sussex Partnership staff do not have access to information you add via a wearable device or the journal function.

You can choose and control who with securely share your health and care information. This could include another NHS Trust in Sussex, a care worker or family or friend involved in your care. Through sharing your health and care information, you can ensure that everyone looking after you understand the type of care and support you need and want.

To choose and control who you share information with, you currently have to log on via the Patient's Know Best log in page via a browser (e.g. Google or Safari), rather than via NHS App.

Please note: Carers will also need to log on via the Patient's Know Best log in page via a browser (e.g. Google or Safari) to see your information. (This is a limitation of the system that SPFT have asked the platform provider to investigate).

Currently, Sussex Partnership staff in care teams do not have direct access to the platform, but can send outcome measures from our Electronic Patient Record system.

Anyone given access to MHCR is an authorised user.  Either a service user or a professional. 

A professional is a user whose employer (e.g. NHS hospital or county council worker) has identified and authorised them to use the system. You may choose to invite a carer or professional who has not been formally identified. There will be a full audit trail of who gave who access to which accounts.

As currently happens, information will continue to be shared between your GP and the NHS services they refer you to, to enable your treatment as part of direct care arrangements.

How to access My Health and Care Record if you are 16-18 years old and under the care of a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS):

  1. Speak to your clinician, so they can record your consent. Your consent is required to enable the sharing of information between Sussex Partnership systems and My Health and Care Record. 
  2. Once consent is provided you will receive an email from 'Patient Knows Best' inviting you to login to My Health and Care Record and view your Sussex Partnership records. 
  3. If you have not received an email invitation please speak to your clinician with whom you agreed your consent.

How to access My Health and Care Record if you are being cared for by an Adult Service:

  1. If you already have a My Health and Care Record account you will be sent an email notifying you that you can now access your records from Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.  You will receive an email from PKB with a link which will take you straight to the My Health and Care Record page . You can use this link to access the registration page from any digital device that you can access the internet from - a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. 
  2. If you have not had an invitation email please check your junk or spam inbox and that your care team have your most up to date email address.
  3. Contact You will be asked to provide proof of identity before access is provided. Once we have completed our checks, you will receive a link which will take you straight to My Health and Care Record where you can register and sign in.
  4. If you have not received a log in invitation, you can also visit the link above and sign in via NHS log in. Visit the Patients Know Best website for more information about this.
  5. For support with accessing your account, please contact:

If you are a carer, please read this guide to find how to access the mental health information shared to My Health and Care Record for the person you care for. Download the guide here.

Please Note: You will need an NHS Account / NHS App to verify your identity and register, but to see any healthcare information about the person you care for, you will need to log-on via the Patient's Know Best log on page.

This is a limitation of the system that SPFT have asked the platform provider to investigate.

My Health and Care Record has been introduced to make things easier for you, but we understand that some people may not be comfortable using a smartphone or you may not have regular access to the internet. 

You can continue to receive your My Care and Safety Plan and appointment letters via post and complete outcome measures with your care team.  

It's your choice to use My Health and Care Record and your care will not be affected in anyway if you decide not to. You can request your consent is withdrawn by speaking to the team caring for you or emailing your name, date of birth and NHS (if you know it) to

My Health and Care Record is hosted within the NHS network. Patient information is encrypted (or coded) so that only people with consent to view your information can do so. All information is protected by the NHS firewall and to add another layer of security, data is encrypted in both transit (i.e. when the information comes in and out) and storage. With each patient record uniquely encrypted, only the people whom you give consent to can decrypt and access the record. This approach means your information is always private and very secure.

Find out more about how we store your information and who has access to it.

My Health and Care Record is hosted within the NHS network. Patient information is encrypted (or coded) so that only people with consent to view your information can do so. All information is protected by the NHS firewall and to add another layer of security, data is encrypted in both transit (i.e. when the information comes in and out) and storage. With each patient record uniquely encrypted, only the people whom you give consent to can decrypt and access the record. This approach means your information is always private and very secure.

You can find out more here.

Currently, the following health and care providers are using MHCR to share information:  

Please note: different health and care providers will share different documents and information, for example the Hospital Trusts in Sussex send blood test results via this platform.

Patients Know Best (PKB) is the provider of the platform that we are using to host My Health and Care Record.

PKB is an approved provider of NHS services and they already work in many health and care settings in the UK.

Please contact: