Library resources

Library and Knowledge Services provide the evidence base to support decision making on treatment, patient care, patient safety, commissioning and policy. 

As a Sussex Partnership employee you have access to extensive library resources to support you. For many of the resources listed below you will need a Sussex Partnership OpenAthens username and password, which you can register for here

Library catalogue

You can borrow books and DVDs and find the journal articles you need from our wide collection of resources.

All the libraries’ resources can be found on the Kent, Surrey & Sussex libraries’ catalogue.

To renew or reserve books on the online catalogue you will need your library membership ID and PIN. Contact your library if you need a reminder of these.


All the journals provided nationally, regionally and locally for you can be found at BrowZine.

Login with your NHS OpenAthens account, browse or search for a particular journal, and then search for relevant articles within that journal.

Searching for evidence

For a quick search to get you started use the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub.

For more in-depth searching, we recommend using the resources below.

Find videos and guides to help with searching healthcare databases on our training page here.

If you need further guidance or help searching, please contact us on

More resources:

Resource Description Password required? App available?
BMJ best practice Browse conditions, then look for the 'Patient Leaflet' link in the 'Resources' tab. NHS OpenAthens required. Click on ‘Access through your institution’ then choose ‘NHS England Free for registered users with personal account
Choice and Medication Sussex Patient information about mental health conditions, treatments and medications  No  No
ClinicalKey Choose 'Patient Education' from the drop-down menu on the homepage NHS OpenAthens No 
Easy Health Accessible health information and leaflets No  No 
Electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) Patient information leaflets about medicines licensed for use in the UK No  No 
ESCIS Provides information on local organisations, clubs and services across East Sussex and Brighton and Hove No  No 
GOV.UK The official government website for citizens No  No 
Healthtalk Share in other people’s experiences of health and illness No  No 
MEDLINEplus Extensive information about drugs and supplements, and the latest health news No  No 
NICE Versions of NICE guidance written for patients, carers and members of the public No  No Helps people make choices about their health including finding and using NHS services No  No 
Patient UK Comprehensive, free, up-to-date health information as provided by GPs to patients during consultations  No No 
The Patients Association UK website including support groups, campaigns, a helpline and publications No  No 

Resource Description Password required? App available?
BMJ Best Practice Point of care decision-support NHS OpenAthens required. Click on ‘Access through your institution’ then choose ‘NHS England. Free for registered users with personal account
Clinical Knowledge Summaries Summaries of the current evidence base from NICE  No No
Cochrane Clinical Answers Evidence-based clinical questions and answers NHS OpenAthens No 
Cochrane Library Systematic reviews and trials No  No 
NICE guidance NICE guidance No  No 
NIHR Evidence Summaries of research funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research No No
Trip database Health and social care No  Available for free
VisualDx Point of care decision-support with images NHS OpenAthens Free for registered users with NHS OpenAthens


Resource Description Password required? App available?
Anatomy.TV by Primal Pictures Anatomy and physiology online, including interactive 3D models and narrated animations NHS OpenAthens No
ClinicalKey Images and videos NHS OpenAthens No
Health Education Assets Library Images for health sciences education  No No
Honmedia Medical images and videos No  No
Images from the history of medicine Images on the social and historical aspects of medicine No  No
Public domain pictures Free public domain images No  No
Public Health image library Public health photos, illustrations and videos  No No 
VisualDX Point of care decision support with images NHS OpenAthens No 
Wellcome images Images from the Wellcome Library  No No 

Resource Description Password required? App available?
Allied & Complementary Medicine (AMED) Allied health and complementary medicine NHS OpenAthens No 
British Nursing Index (BNI) Nursing and midwifery NHS OpenAthens No 
CINAHL Nursing and allied health NHS OpenAthens No 
ClinicalKey Articles, guidelines, images, videos and ebooks NHS OpenAthens Free with NHS OpenAthens
EBSCO Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection Articles, guidelines, images, videos and ebooks NHS OpenAthens No 
EMBASE Biomedical and pharmacological NHS OpenAthens No
EMCARE Nursing and allied health NHS OpenAthens No 
ERIC Education NHS OpenAthens No 
Google Scholar Scholarly literature (including medicine) NHS OpenAthens and Google account for full text No
HMIC Health management and policy NHS OpenAthens No 
MEDLINE via Ovid Medical NHS OpenAthens No
MEDLINE via Proquest Medical NHS OpenAthens No 
PsycInfo Psychology and allied fields NHS OpenAthens No 
Pubmed Biomedicine No No
Social Policy and Practice Social science NHS OpenAthens No

Resource Description Password required? App available?
BNF British national formulary No Free to NHS users
BNF for children British national formulary No  Free to NHS users
Electronic medicines compendium (eMC) UK prescription and over-the-counter medicines Free registration No

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry

Handbook on prescribing of psychotropic agents NHS OpenAthens No
MIMS Prescribing Free registration to articles only No 
NICE medicines information Medicines and prescribing No No 
Specialist pharmacy service Prescribing No  No 


National poisons information service Free health profession department registration Free to NHS users

Resource Description Password required? App available?
BMJ Impact Analytics A tool to track where research publications have been cited in health policy and guidance Request password No From U.S. National Institutes of Health No No 
Cochrane Library Systematic reviews and trials No  No 
EU clinical trials register EU clinical trials on medicines conducted in European Union and European Economic Area No  No 
ISRCTN registry International register of clinical trials in healthcare, social care, education, workplace safety and economic development No  No 
PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews No  No 
UK clinical trials gateway Details of open UK clinical trials No  No 
WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) Trial registration data sets (not a clinical trials registry) No  No 

A number of speciality resources are available for you to access. Please visit your local library webpages to explore all the resources available:

Our 'Resources by speciality' series lists just some of the key resources and services available for staff and trainees in various specialities.

An NHS OpenAthens account is required to access the online resources in these lists. Register for your account here

Resource Description Password required? App available? Datasets from UK government No No
Department of Health and Social Care UK policy, statistics and consultations No  No 
Health and care statistics landscape for England Where to find official UK health statistics No  No 
National Centre for Health Outcomes Development at the University of Oxford National health outcome measures No  No 
NHS Digital Statistics and data No  No 
Office for National Statistics (ONS) UK statistics on economy, population and society No No 
Population statistics UK population statistics No  No 
Public Health England: Fingertips Public health outcomes framework No  No 
QualityWatch Independent scrutiny of quality of health and social care No  No 
UK Data Service census support UK economic and social data Some data requires registration No