Understanding the health needs of children and young people
A Health Needs Assessment is a systematic approach for understanding the needs of a population. We will use the results to support commissioning intentions as well as strategic priorities across both Provider Collaboratives.
The assessment, which will be undertaken by Ottaway Strategic Management Ltd and is due to be completed by Autumn 2023, will inform our understanding of service provision, ensuring it is equitable and representative of the local populations, is achieving value for money and avoids duplication of work. The assessment will also help to build an understanding of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tier 4 CAMHS services.
A multi-agency steering group will be convened to oversee this programme of work. Ottaway Strategic Management Ltd has extensive experience in completing Needs Assessments for local authorities, NHS England and in justice settings, and of working with a range of stakeholders, including service users, parents and carers. The results of the assessment may also help with wider system planning to ensure the standards of health services for children and young people across the region are the very best they can be.