Meet the team - Charlotte McCulloch
Tell us a bit about your role
I am a case manager for the Provider Collaborative. I have a case load of young people who are from Kent or Sussex who are in hospital because of their mental health. I travel to whichever hospital they are in which means sometimes going to Manchester, Sheffield, Coventry or even Cornwall! My role is to make sure they are receiving the appropriate care and treatment in hospital, and to support their journey to discharge, including liaising with community teams, social workers and schools.
How long have you been in your role/working for the Provider Collaborative?
I have been doing this job for just over two years, but was in a very similar role in the CCG prior to that.
What's your favourite thing about your job?
I really like the variety of work and the variety of pace. I like that every day has new competing priorities and that there are different challenges to get my teeth into. Sometimes it is very fast-paced, crisis-driven work for example to help a community team think really creatively to avoid an unnecessary admission, and other times it is a relaxed conversation with a patient over a Starbucks coffee! No two days are the same, and I really love that.
How did you get into the role?
I am a paediatric nurse, and have a MSc in Public Health. I spent much of my career working in school nursing but had always fancied working in commissioning. I saw a fixed term one-year case management post pop up and I thought it would be a good opportunity to see if I liked it - three years later it seems I am hooked!
What do you like to do outside of work?
I have a five-year-old daughter who takes up a lot of my time, and we love to have days out and travel. I really love musicals, and you can often find me in (or near) Drury Lane watching the latest production! We also adore camping and incorporate this into weekend festivals.
Is there anything people would be surprised to know about you?
I really enjoy writing poetry. I only like bananas when they are a certain shade of greeny-yellow. My favourite biscuit is a malted milk cream. I love fancy dress. I don’t like milk. I am allergic to mushrooms. The theme for my wedding next May is "Rainbow". My favourite cuisine is Mexican.