Additional beds for young people in Kent
The hospital, which is run by the North East London Foundation NHS Trust (NELFT), can now accommodate 14 young people in the General Adolescent Unit, with three beds allocated for young people with eating disorders.
A further three are being piloted as 72-hour short stay crisis beds. This is part of a new whole pathway approach in Kent for young people who are being supported in the community and would benefit from a shorter, more intensive crisis intervention, rather than being admitted to an inpatient unit.
The refurbishment, which has been funded by NHS England and commissioned by the Kent and Sussex CAMHS Provider Collaborative, was carried out to increase bed capacity locally so that young people can be treated and cared for closer to home.
Managing the building work
The unit at KMAH was able to remain open during the building work with staff working to ensure that the safety and welfare of the young people was the top priority. They made sure that the young people had access to noise cancelling headphones as well as allowing extended time outdoors, or in quiet spaces away from the noise of the building works.
Contractors were chaperoned when on site, clear communication was given to all young people and staff about how the works were being completed. Staff worked with the contractors to ensure a tight schedule was implemented to ensure works were completed at a time that suited the care needs of the young people.
Families and young people were fully briefing during pre-admission assessments about the works being undertaken and community meetings were held daily to update the young people in the unit, as well as allowing space for the young people to voice any concerns which were then fed back to the contractors and wider staffing team.
There are further plans by NELFT to develop the site at KMAH, including improving the sensory garden and outdoor space.