Kent and Sussex Adult Eating Disorders
The Provider Collaborative is responsible for commissioning specialised services for adults with eating disorders who live in Kent and Sussex.
Our partners
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust works in partnership with North East London NHS Foundation Trust to identify service providers and oversee the arrangements for the delivery of care and treatment plans for patients.
Since 2022, the PC has reduced waiting times from an average of 18 days in 2022/23 to 12 days in 2023/24.
The number of people from Kent and Sussex admitted to hospital with severe eating disorders has reduced thanks to innovative treatment programmes like Orri - a virtual eating disorder day service - which has been piloted by the PC in Kent and Sussex.
In 2024, the PC established the first inpatient unit in Sussex for adults aged 18-25 with severe eating disorders.
Focus for 2024-25
A key priority for the PC is to enable patients to be treated close to home and their communities in the least restrictive environment.
Contact details
For general enquiries, please email: spnt.