Please note that we have recently updated our website and old links to individual policies may no longer work. If you have arrived at this page after clicking on a link to view a policy, please enter the title into the search tool below.
Our policies inform the way we work at Sussex Partnership. To find a policy, please use the search tool or select from the list of policy categories below.
If you can't find what you're looking for or have any questions about our policies, please email spft.
Community Treatment Order Policy
• This policy applies to all Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
• This policy relates to Sections 17A-G Mental Health Act 1983
• This policy sets out procedures for implementing Community Treatment Orders (CTOs), recall of CTO patients to hospital, revocation of CTOs, treatment of CTO patients in hospital and in the community and discharge of CTOs
• This policy explains the relationship between CTOs, guardianship and section 17 leave of absence under the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA)
• There is no legal provision for statutory CTO paperwork to be amended, so clinical staff must ensure that all CTO paperwork is checked by an MHA Co-ordinator before it is due to take legal effect.
Policy types
- MHA and MCA