Please note that we have recently updated our website and old links to individual policies may no longer work. If you have arrived at this page after clicking on a link to view a policy, please enter the title into the search tool below.
Our policies inform the way we work at Sussex Partnership. To find a policy, please use the search tool or select from the list of policy categories below.
If you can't find what you're looking for or have any questions about our policies, please email spft.
Managing Conflicts of Interest Policy
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (the ‘organisation’), and the people who work with and for us, collaborate closely with other organisations, delivering high quality care for our patients. These partnerships have many benefits and should help ensure that public money is spent efficiently and wisely. But there is a risk that conflicts of interest may arise. Providing best value for taxpayers and ensuring that decisions are taken transparently and clearly, are both key principles in the NHS Constitution.
We are committed to maximising our resources for the benefit of the whole community. As an organisation and as individuals, we have a duty to ensure that all our dealings are conducted to the highest standards of integrity and that NHS monies are used wisely so that we are using our finite resources in the best interests of patients.
Policy types
- Corporate