Local business teams up with Heads On to provide care packs for carers

2 March 2021

Local business Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd supports NHS Mental Health Charity Heads On to provide care packs for 250 carers in Worthing

Heads On is the official charity of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, which provides specialist NHS mental health and learning disability services for people of all ages across Sussex, and for children and young people in Hampshire.

Local business Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd (ETI) has paired up with Heads On, working in partnership with local charity Carers Support West Sussex, to provide care packs for carers of people with mental health problems, learning disabilities or dementia in Worthing during the current lockdown, delivered by volunteers from Friday 26th February.

Rachael Duke, Head of Charity for Heads On commented “During this lockdown, and throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, carers of people with mental health problems, learning disabilities or dementia have continuously put their loved ones before themselves, facing the challenges of disrupted support networks alongside the anxieties and loss of routine we have all faced. We are so grateful to ETI for recognising this and working with us to provide carers in Worthing with a care pack of goodies to encourage them to take some time for themselves and feel appreciated for everything they are doing.”

Jason Webb, Director for Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd, explained the company’s decision to support carers caring for people using NHS mental health services “Even before the pandemic hit, the reasons for investing in this kind of support were obvious however, Covid-19 has intensified the existing crisis in mental health.  As a business we wanted to do something to recognise the local carers and volunteers who continue to show such tremendous dedication during challenging times.  The care packages are a small gesture which we hope will convey our thanks and recognition for the work they do. Without the ongoing care and support of these carers, many in our local community would really suffer”.

Heads On has worked in partnership with Carers Support West Sussex to co-ordinate the care packs, ensuring they reach those most in need. Kathy Burke of Carers Support commented “We have been able to support this kind gesture to our family and friend carers in Worthing by contacting those registered with our service to ask if they would like to receive a care package. Unpaid carers have been hit hard by the pandemic and through working in partnership with Heads On and ETI we have been able to deliver a little bit of joy to carers’ doorsteps. This is fantastic at a time when isolation and loneliness is such an issue for those in a caring role during Covid-19.”

Heads On rely on the generosity of the local community to continue with their Covid-19 response, supporting people who are most affected by the pandemic. If you would like to make a donation or get involved with fundraising please visit www.headsoncharity.org