Feeling stressed, anxious, low or experiencing panic attacks?

MH Signposting concepts_final illustrations_with shadows-04 - Copy.pngThe following are services that you can either contact directly (details below) or be referred by a GP. 

NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression

If you live in Sussex, are over 18 and are struggling with common mental health problems like feelings of depression, excessive worry, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), you can refer yourself to your local NHS Talking Therapies service.

Services are free, confidential and provide a wide range of support, including courses, online programmes and one-to-one sessions. They aim to help you understand your symptoms and take practical steps to improve your mental health.

If you are experiencing a severe mental health disorder, please see a GP, who can refer you to the appropriate service.

Mental health support at your GP surgery

If you have a diagnosed mental illness or are having difficulties with your mental health and would like coping strategies to help, you can get support with your mental health from the Emotional Wellbeing Service, or similar service, at most GP surgeries. These services can provide you with information, advice, guidance and support.

Contact your GP surgery to find out what mental health support is available.

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