Board meetings

Our Trust Board is made up executive directors, non-executive directors, the chair and chief executive who are responsible for the governance, leadership and strategic direction of Sussex Partnership. The Board meet regularly to ensure we are meeting our objectives as a trust, and is supported by five board committees.

Where do meetings take place?

Our Board meetings are live streamed to this page via YouTube. An archive of previous recordings will be available on our YouTube channel. The patient story will not be live streamed and members of the public who attend the meetings in person will not be filmed.

Watch our next Board meeting live

The next Board meeting is on 7 August at 1pm. The meeting will be live-streamed from 1.30pm. On this occasion there will also be limited places to observe the meeting in person, with a wait list in place if necessary. For further information please contact

Meeting Dates

Our Board meetings start at 1pm and the public section begins at 1:30pm.

  • 7 August 2024
  • 2 October 2024
  • 4 December 2024
  • 5 February 2025

The agenda and papers for board meetings are available to download here: 



If you would like to see papers from previous years please email Hilary Saunders, Deputy Company Secretary,

We have five committees that support our Board of Directors, each chaired by a non-executive director (NED) and with executive directors as members. Exceptions to this are the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee where members are all NEDs, and executives are 'in attendance' rather than voting members, as appropriate for the work of the committee. Each year, the board receives an annual report on the work of the committees.  

Committee Purpose and frequency

Chair of the Committee /

Senior Responsible Owner 

Terms of reference

Appointment and Renumeration

The Appointments and Remuneration Committee is a statutory committee and comprises our Trust Chair and the NEDs. The committee is responsible for identifying and appointing candidates to fill all executive director positions on our board and for determining their remuneration and other conditions of service.

The Committee meets as required.

Sean Duggan, NED

Funmi Onamusi, Chief People Officer

View terms of reference


The Audit Committee is a statutory committee, comprising NED members only. The committee has primary responsibility for monitoring the integrity of the Trust's financial statements, assisting the board in its oversight of risk management and the effectiveness of internal control, oversight of compliance with corporate governance standards and matters relating to the external and internal audit functions.

The Committee meets bi-monthly with additional meetings as required to address year-end auditing and accounting matters.

Nitin Mehta, NED


Usman Niazi, Chief Finance Officer

View terms of reference


The Quality Committee acts as a means of enhancing board oversight of assurance in respect of quality, patient (service user) safety and risk management, and the Trust's people agenda. The committee is supported by two quality sub-committees - Quality and Risk Management, and People and Culture.

The Committee meets bi-monthly.

Anna van der Gaag, NED

Teresa Barker, Chief Nursing Officer

View terms of reference

Finance and Investment

The Finance and Investment Committee's prime purpose is to provide oversight and challenge of our financial performance and financial plans to ensure the Trust and the services it provides remain financially sustainable.

The Committee meets bi-monthly.

Simon Blake, NED

Usman Niazi, Chief Finance Officer

View terms of reference
Charitable Funds

The Charitable Funds Committee provides assurance to our board as the Corporate Trustee for charitable funds. 

The Committee meets bi-monthly.

Sean Duggan, NED

Colin Hicks, Chief Strategy and Partnerships Officer

View terms of reference

If you have any queries about our Board Committees, please contact our Board Governance Officer

You can find out more about our governance processes in our Annual Report 2022-23

Members of the public can ask questions about agenda items. It's helpful if questions can be submitted in advance so we can make any necessary enquiries and answer questions in full at a relevant time during the meeting. If you would like to ask a question, please contact: Hilary Saunders, Deputy Company Secretary on 0300 304 2631 or email  

Read our full guidance for public board meetings.