Equality, diversity & human rights
We recognise that every person is different and we welcome, value and respect those differences. We aim for equality and fairness in everything we do, both as an employer and as a healthcare provider.
If you have any questions, please contact our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team, spft.
You may be interested in the following reports:
Our Inclusion Calendar sets out the awareness events and celebrations that we will be highlighting throughout the year.
Our interpreting and translating services offer effective communication with individuals where English isn't their first language or for people with hearing or visual impairment.
We've selected Sussex Interpreting Services and Vandu Language Services to provide face to face interpreting, Language Line provide our written translation services along with telephone and video interpreting and Action Deafness is our provider for British Sign Language interpreting.
Spoken language interpreting services can provide:
Face to face interpreting services (including emergency provision)
Telephone interpreting services (including emergency provision)
Translation services. (Note we are now recommending using Google translate for the majority of written translations – see footnote below).
Services for people who are deaf or hard of hearing:
BSL / English interpreting.
Sign-supported English.
Lip speaking.
Electronic and manual note-taking
Speech to text reporting services
Deaf / blind communication
Services for people with vision impairment:
Transcription from text into audio
Translation to large print
Translation to braille
For more information please email spft.