Become a member or governor
Our members are at the heart of Sussex Partnership and help us shape mental health services in our community and the quality of care and services we deliver.
Membership is free and anyone over the age of 16 years old can join.
Membership categories
Service user: people who have used our services in the past five years
Carer: a carer of someone who has used our services in the past five years
Public: anyone interested in our services who lives in Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, Hampshire, or West Sussex
Staff: a permanent member of staff, on a fixed-term contract of at least 12 months or social care staff who work at Sussex Partnership.
Become a member
As a member, you will:
Have a voice in how we deliver our services
Receive a copy of our magazine Partnership Matters packed with the latest news, events and features
Attend members' events
Take part in surveys and consultations about our plans
Benefit from discounts with local retailers and other organisations.
Apply to become a member by completing a membership application form
Contact us
Here’s how to get in touch if you would like to find out more about becoming a member:
For more information, read our full Membership Strategy or our strategy summary.